Saturday, February 24, 2007

The Also ran!

This is my first(rather second) attempt to start writing a blog. The first rather unfortunately did not live beyond a single post but managed to give me something that will last a lifetime. Anyways, not to digress atleast on my maiden attempt.
I have been an alsoran all my life. The person who you would see in a photograph standing behind the hero, the person who would be there so that the winner could win, the one who would do everything to win but would just not. I heard the phrase first time in school and ever since fell in love with it. It was the name a quizzing team had used and believe it or not they came second after the kind of photofinish finale i did talk about. Apparently, one of the judges asked what it meant and I caught its meaning while leaving the auditorium in a haste. "The person who always loses"!
Does it in anyway mean that I hate losing? Or that I am writing this out in the depression of not winning? No, its nothing of the sorts. I love the way I am, more than anything else I know of. I have over the period of my life become a jack of all trades and a master of none. Be it any aspect of life I am just never there at the top. In a way I love it because I it has helped learn so much from life. Had I been exceptional in any particular field, I would have become a master at that and a jackass at others. But then why is it that I try to win when I know that I am happy even if I lose. Why do I want to win? But before I ask that question do I really want to win?
It puzzles me if I ask myself that and I realise that I myself dont know what would be better. Breaking out of the habit of an alsoran or being a winner. Hmmmm that would be a tough one!
The truth is I do not want to win. I want to end up in the search for that elusive thing that will get me victory. I as always will keep learning, keep experiencing and keep looking at life from all the possible angles it allows you to. I hope that this way there wouldnt be an experience I wouldnt have had, a thing I wouldnt have done or a stone unturned. Some years down the line when I lie down and am close to my death I would be able to look at not only one type of experiences and moments I cherished but hopefully thousands of them. Compare that to the thoughts running through the mind of a musician or a rocket scientist. What would they be thinking of? About some concerts they performed at, some path breaking discovery or invention that he/she did? At such a time I would just smile, because I have with me something of the everything that life has to offer. From music to science and all so much that I'd be inundated with thoughts and more thoughts. At that time I would also ask myself Who won the final contest? The Game of Life. Them or me?? Surely it would be me. Finally I would experience victory and join them, no longer an alsoran. But a one who lost everything but won the most important contest of all.Life! So I guess it's not bad to lose and its certainly not bad to be an alsoran. Think about it. Life is great-Life is the greatest game! Win it! Live it! Be an alsoran...

1 comment:

Chaitali said...

Amazing post!! Carries ur hallmark of homiletics :) Haar kar jeetne wale ko baazigar kehte it? And eking out the comment brings a feeling of deja vu!